Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Candy's Dog

Of Mice and Men

Symbol:Candy's Dog

I'm an old man with nothing to treasurer or to do with my life. I got one hand and nothing to live for. My dog got an bullet to head because he was old and he stinked. I'm old with one hand I wonder what they are going to do with me. Either there going to can me, or do with me, like they did to my dog. I believe this is what Kandy was thinking to himself. This is how it all starts thinking negative about life. You start to think more about death. Every time you turn around life is bringing you grieve. Finally you dream no more it is basically the end of all your dreams. When Kandy's beloved dog was murdered with his permission this was the curse that besought him.

When Kandy dog was shot with his permission to myself it put him in shock. When someone dies if you resign in the same area where you and your counter part lived anything and everything can bring you grieve. The gun is at the top the the list any sight of a gun would probably make him think of that dreadful day. Even a area where the dog always playes. Most of all seeing the site where the dog got the bullet to his head just seeing the blood or brains that was left over from his poor dog.

After this comes the the end of Kandy's dreams. His dreams left him hope, of someday letting his dog mate. Or even purchasing the a dog house or something like that.He probanly dreamed of just retiring and it would be he and his dog. But the dog is dead. His dreams left him in a instance and gave him a cloud of smoke. So what eles is there to live for Kandy mind as well die.

Kicking the bucket. Religiously your cup ran over. It is a period of time where everyone has to pass no one lives forever. But for Kandy it is a scapegoat. He had no family anything to live for. He had money in the bank but what is the point of having money if there is no one to spend it on. So he mind as well die that was his last resort. He either work until the "Glory Train" comes to take him to the last stop.

Or just live life with no dog. No dreams, and and no way of ever loving life again.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lennie's Puppy

Of Mice and Men

Symbol: Lennies Puppy

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where can he be? With his ears so short and his tail so long. Oh where, oh where can he be? In the book Of Mice and Men, Lennie finally receives the puppy George promised him. Steinbeck shows us that Lennie's Puppy could mean a lot to big child minded man. For instance the puppy can be a sign of Lennie’s new beginning. Secondly the puppy could hold all of Lennie's hopes. Finally most of all it maybe could even is significant to Lennie's dreams.

I hope George will get my dog sooner or later, is what Lennie would have said. But he finally got his puppy it was probably a combo holiday for Lennie. Christmas and any other important holiday for a man with the intelligence of a 5 year old. So Lennie faith and hope was restored due to a little puppy. He was basically dreaming again and he knew that his new beginning was soon to come.

Soft things, mice, puppies, and tending them rabbits are what George was not dreaming about before he received his puppy. But now George is probably sitting on loads and loads of silk that he can rub on until his hands fall off. Mice which Lennie always loved to hold but accidentally killed, but in his dreams he probably playing with an immortal Stewart Little. A known fact from the book was that George dreaming about tending them rabbits. On the farm that he and his partner or loving handler will soon own.

Lennie's new beginning is just a hop, skip and a jump away. He just needs keep his hopes, and dreams on his mind. And his new beginning should be around the corner waiting for him. He has his puppy his buddy George, and whatever is soon to come will be what he is looking for.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Farm

Of mice and men

The Farm

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. In the book Of Mice and Men Steinbeck is trying to show how anything can be symbolic. For instance the Farm was could be three things. It was like a Promise Land for the residence. Secondly the Farm was significant to heaven. Finally of all the symbols of the Farm was success for the entire group of workers because of the pay at the end of the road. To discuss these symbols I will use George and Lennie.

Everyone looks for success, whether it is under a rock, or over as long as it’s coming with good pay. For George and Lennie, since they were just running from a dreary land with nothing but trouble and nothing coming out of what George was trying to do? The Farm was a land of promise for a seed to sow into maybe where they could start their own promise land. So they were basically working for a heavenly place of their own while they lived someone else’s backyard.

A promise is made for the reason that there was something wrong with a past situation. If you were to live in the town of Weed you would make a Promise to go after success. So on the Farm it was a Promise Land in success for going after their heavenly place.

Heaven a place up in the sky that is promised to people who searched for success. In away that is right. So George and Lennie putting their 50 dollars together along with Candy’s 350 dollars. To get near the land that they promised they would reach. That would be raining in success. Also be significant to heaven. But everyone falls short of Gods glory, but that is why Christ sacrificed his life. This goes to show to get what you want something has to be sacrificed. Whether it was Candy being canned or done with like his dog. And maybe George being done with like Candy’s dog.

Whether George and Lennie were on the right track to the heavenly land of promise, raining with success. It is your desicenion.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mice of Men Quiz

Mice of Men Quiz

This portion of the test is about symbolys

1. In the book Kandy's dog was like his best friend, but can his dog be represented as more that a companion?

My answer: Yes he to me can either be Kandy's deams, or his bolder holding down Kandy's feelings.

2. What can you inforence about Curly's vasline filled glove?

My answer: I think it is a motovator for him to keep loving his wife, why might he need to be motovated, I say because his wife is a flurt and this would send anyone into despriteness to keep there love.

3. Lennie loving soft things and mice and soft things what do you think these habits mean?

My answer: Since Lennie is mentally retarded, his life is running with the wind, he has no cares no worries, so he to me is just doing what he loves he is forfulling all his dreams by finding dirty mice, and garments these are just simple things.

Character Anylansis

4. Is Geogre just holding Lennies hand for Lennie's sake or his?

5. Do you think that within in the brotherhood cicrle is here a monarchy or a democracy with Slim being ahead of the group?

6. Image if Lennie was to recieve an antodote to be a normal person do you think he could handle life as a normal person?

7. Do you think that the ending was an happy one and everyone got what hey wanted?

8. Do you believe that the farm is a job filcillety for misfits?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

sevice learning last meeting

Last Friday meeting

We could not go over to the National Constitution Center due to lack of time. So we put in bullet for 6 jobs which have to be filled. The day went fine so next Service Learning we will take a trip to the NCC, and we will have to bring supplies like digital cameras, and tapemeasures.